quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010



Charlie, happiness is uninspiring. When one is happy one is contented and one does not feel such a need to create compelling creations.
Happiness is quite boring, actually, from that point of view. Happiness is unproductive, it's paralysing, it's reductive.
That's why suffering is needed in the world. I've just come up with this idea which seems to me to be quite logical and serves Catholics theories about the existence of a good God - suffering is needed for the elevation of men through art. If there was no suffering, there would be no art or at least there would be considerably less good art in this world.
And why do we need art, Charlie?, one might ask. Wouldn't we be better off without art and likewise without suffering? But there's the crux, Charlie. The point is art makes us question ourselves, it makes us evolve, it makes us rise from the ape-creatures we really are to some other more refined and complex state.
Art is the basis of evolution. And so, by consequence, suffering is also the basis of evolution. Which brings me to another thought - nothing is created without some amount of pain involved. Think of child birth. And then think of a book, a painting, a sculpture. Pain.
Did God suffer when he created us, Charlie? I think it's only fair he should have. Otherwise, we're a mere whim, and I don't think we would like that very much ...

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