quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011



Are you a MAN, Charlie, or are you a boy?
Well, I guess you'll never grow up, Charlie. You're like Peter Pan, forever frozen in your boyhood. But you have an excuse. Most men I know, don't.
This idea came to me the other day, when a friend of mine told me she had to go cook something for her brother because he was starving.
And it made me think ...
Now, you could ask me - is her brother a 5 year old kid who can't and of course musn't be anywhere near the stove? No ...
Is her brother handicapped in some way, that prevents him from using his arms and hands to make dinner? Again, No ...
Her brother is a grown up Man.
He is not, though, in my opinion, a MAN.
The word that made me start thinking, was "starving".
Did our ancestors, back in the jungle times, when they were starving, wait for somenone to cook them dinner? I don't think so ... They would pick their weapons and go get their dinner.
So how come nowadays a Man feels like a real Man if he doesn't do any of that? A Man is considered a sissy if he likes cooking. At best, he's considered a gourmet or a chef.
The thing is, a MAN, a real MAN makes his own dinner, Charlie, because he is able to provide for himself. That's my point. The sissys wait for it to appear before their eyes, like a miracle.

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