terça-feira, 20 de março de 2007


The Super Power of Invisibility

I never told you, Charlie, because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but you have a rival. He’s called Spiderman and he just happens to be my favourite super hero. He’s also a bit like you … when he’s not wearing his cool mask and climbing New York skyscrapers.
I have a super power. I believe everyone has a super hero power.
My power is of Invisibility. I developed it since very early, since childhood. I wasn't bitten by a rare spider nor was I born in another planet. But I learned to become invisible. I mastered so well this technique that others also started believing I was invisible.
It’s good to have this super power when you like to write.
With the power of Invisibility comes the great capacity to observe without being noticed. Slowly you start developing a special X-Ray vision aswell. Not only can you assimilate every single detail around you, but, even more important, you can also detect the slightest nuances and changes of moods in other people.
This, of course, is sometimes mistaken for clarvoyancy abilities. They’re not.
There is a dark side to this super power, as always. Like Superman and his kriptonite problem, Batman and his fear of bats, with the power of Invisibility comes the curse of emptiness. You get so used to hiding and controlling your emotions that you start preventing yourself from feeling anything. And one day you just might wake up to find you can’t really feel anything at all.
I know where my super power comes from. Like with all super heroes, there are family issues lurking in the back of my mind, in a not so distant past … I guess I’m no exception to the rule …
Sometimes it's a lonely life, Charlie, to be a super hero ...

1 comentário:

Dry-Martini disse...

Where do your super power comes?

I would like to become invisible today but you don't let it :)