terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010


Time Ticks Tic ... Tac ...

As Einstein said, Charlie, time is relative.
We may find ourselves running out of time, yet with all the time in the world.
Or we may find ourselves filled with time, and no time at all.
Did you know that we lose about 3 months of our lives sleeping, every year? It might seem an awful lot of time, but if we didn't use it to sleep we wouldn't survive anyway.
Time to do all the things we want and do them well is a luxury seldom people, if any, have. Most of us just try to barely make ends meet.
It's the quality that counts, not the quantity, but how many of us never wished for a 48 hour day?
Time is relative. There are things from years ago we remember as if they were yesterday, and trivial things we did today we don't remember at the end of the day.
There are people who stay in our hearts as if they never left and, although we sometimes spend years without talking to them, when we do, it's as if the conversation never stopped.
And there are people we see everyday, with whom there is no possible conversation.
Time is elastic, Charlie. We bend it and interlace its threads as we wish, all the time. And then we seem to have problems accepting the Relativity Theory. We are its makers, everyday!

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