terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

DDT - Deambulações DeMentes Teóricas 61

The Serial Killer - Part XLI

On a psychiatric point of view two types of serial killers can be considered: the psychotic paranoid, who can be a schizofrenic; and the psychopath, whose personality is clearly anti-social, that is:
1. He lacks maturity, being ungrateful, cynical, unloyal and a rebel who takes advantage of others
2. As he can't feel empathy, he is also incapable of understanding how his actions can hurt others around him
3. Others only exist to fulfill his needs
4. Consequentely, his sexual life is typically manipulative and unfaithfull

The majority of these individuals develop an anti-social personality because they suffered severe abuse during childhood, either because of abusive parents or by being abandoned. The reaction to this kind of mistreatment may lead them to a more dangerous stage and turn them into sociopaths.
The sociopath not only is morally insensitive and lacks any kind of feelings, he also pretends to feel emotions he never experiences. He is "polished", generally very intelligent and usually with a brilliant carreer. This personal success compensates an intolerable self impression of total inaptitude. The sociopath feels great pleasure in controlling others. Manipulating becomes an obssession, to the extent that it drives him to the ultimate goal: deciding the life and death of someone else.
The psychopath, a true hedonist, constantly seeks his own pleasure, even if it means hurting others. When he kills he doesn't feel any remorse or guilt because he has no conscience. What makes him so dangerous is his vulgar appearance, for he is a master of deception. There isn't the slightest trace of any kind of strange behaviour or irrational thoughts. When he is caught, his verbal fluency allows him to simulate honesty and remorse to fool his captors. In his cell the psychopathic serial killer becomes a model prisioner. He is the most dangerous type of serial killer and the one who can escape criminal investigation for the greatest amount of time.

There are two types of serial killers: the organized criminal planns his crimes in a conscious way and takes his victims to the scene of the crime; the disorganized criminal doesn't plan in advance and the scene of his crime reflects his mental disorder.
According to an FBI report on sexual murderers dated 1990, these are the differences between those two types:

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