terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2007


The Perfect Symphony? …

On the other hand, Charlie, there are a few very rare occasions when the whole universe seems to be working for you and you alone.

Last week something happened to me, something I thought could never, ever happen.
Like Meg Ryan in the movie “You’ve Got Mail”, I too am one of those unfortunate people who never have the right answer at the right time, when they need one. It usually comes hours later, when it’s no use anymore. It could be the most perfectly amazing right thing to say, but alas! the timing is terrible, turning it into a useless “why didn’t I think of that 2 hours ago?”
And then, one day, Meg manages to have the right answer with the perfect timing. But, surprisingly enough, she feels really bad after saying what she knows in her heart she had every reason to say.
Well, Charlie, I know I should have said exactly what I said. The thing is, I didn’t even know what I was going to say, which made it even more remarkable. Usually I have to think about it a million times, before saying anything like that.
This time I didn’t know what I was going to say. I didn’t care about what I was going to say. I didn’t stress about it, like I usually do, although I was told in advance such person was arriving. It was in no way premeditated.
And thus it felt like the gods had miraculously got together especially for me, to create a perfect symphony in which I was the main solo instrument.
The symphony I was left him speechless. And then I left, actually I slid across the floor (feeling like a classy female version of Fred Astaire).
And, unlike Meg Ryan, I felt good, Charlie. Because I know I deserved that moment. Because he deserved to hear what I said.
But you know the funniest thing, Charlie, was ... 2 days later I finally understood Meg. She was right. I don't feel exactly over the top with what I did ... because I do like him ...


1 comentário:

Dry-Martini disse...

Deixe lá minha cara. Veja sempre o lado positivo da coisa. Ao contrário da Meg, por exemplo, não teve de simular um orgasmo :)