sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2007


Joggers and Dancers

Once in a while, Charlie, when I smell something fishy, I remember Forrest Gump and I start hearing this voice inside my head screaming: “Run, Forrest, run!” Run, as fast as you can and don’t stop. Run and don’t look back. Run as far away as you can and never come back to the same spot.
There’s just one tiny little problem, Charlie. I don’t like to run. Never did. I’m not a jogger, I’m a dancer. And there’s a whole world of differences between joggers and dancers.
Joggers move in straight lines. Dancers move in circles.
Joggers don’t mind running the same distance every time. Dancers like to change.
Joggers take exactly the same steps every day. Dancers never make the same move exactly the same way (not even when you’re Margot Fonteyn).
Joggers are rational. Dancers are emotional.
Joggers play safe. Dancers play by their guts.
Joggers are consistent. Dancers are unpredictable.
Joggers run mostly alone. Dancers need a partner, especially one who will move along at the same beat.
So when that voice screams “Run, Forrest, run!” this is what usually happens: I try to run, Charlie, but something inside me just won’t let me. Instead, I start moving in circles, around that fishy smell, trying to figure it out. Instead of just letting go and start going the distance, I try changing the rhythm, adjusting myself to someone else’s beat.

Sometimes I spin so much, I get dizzy and fall flat on my butt, right in front of that someone else. And then I have to get up alone.
But do I stop? No. Those damned red shoes just keep my feet going and going and going, until the point of exaustion.
Cause, you see, Charlie, it may take a lifetime for a dancer to find the perfect partner. The one who will dance along, fitting right in and who won’t just stand there, watching, as you make a fool of yourself. The one who won’t be afraid to fall with you.
Cause dancers fall a lot. They get bruised and dirty. Joggers just get sweaty.
And that’s about the only thing joggers and dancers have in common - they sweat a lot.

3 comentários:

Dry-Martini disse...

My dear... My dear... I think you are mistaken about jogging but I'm very curious about dancing. Can It be in the rain? :)

Andrómeda disse...

Toquei nalgum ponto fraco? ... :)

Dry-Martini disse...

Claro que não... Apenas lhe queria lembrar uma frase "Quem disse que o Homem não consegue voar?" Onde é que ouvi isto? :)