quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2007


Playing Dice With God

Have you ever played dice with God, Charlie?
I have.

It's an extremely dangerous thing to do. And crazy. Because the consequences are very serious. So you should not do it very often.
When you play dice with God, you twist every rule in the book. But how can you do that, when you're playing with someone who knows everything? Tricky, huh?
When you play dice with God it's not like when you must choose between left or right. No ... it's something very different.
What happens is you twist both turns in such a way that what comes out is a third path, which is neither left nor right, neither right or wrong. It's your own path, something you create alone. But it might be something which has nothing to do with you. Something completely unexpected, that could surprise even you. Sort of like quantum physics.
That's why neither Einstein nor God liked Niels Böhr …
The consequences of playing dice with God can be very serious. Because you are left absolutely on your own. No rules have ever been written anywhere for whatever direction it is that you're headed. And God is screaming at you "How dare you?!! Child, how dare you choose the path I betted you would never choose?!!”
You see, Charlie, when you play dice with God you're really playing dice with yourself. So you should only do it either if you're very sure of yourself, or when you have nothing else to lose. Because if you do have something to lose, you just might never be able to recover it.

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