sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

´Till I Found You

O Mundo Colapsa 13

2200, Inverno, 14.01 GMT
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Tinha que sair dali. E de mais a mais, não se passava nada de anormal que justificasse a sua presença. Teria que ficar para uma próxima oportunidade. Olhou mais uma vez o mar. A imagem distorcida pelo écran trazia-lhe, mesmo assim, o cheiro e o rumor das ondas e isso trouxe-lhe à memória uma tarde ...
E, de repente, apanhou-o. O homem levantara-se e tapara-lhe a visão do mar. Conseguira-lhe ver a cabeça durante um segundo. Era barbudo e tinha olhos claros, talvez azuis. Teria uns quarenta e tal anos. Perto da sua idade, se tivesse continuado a viver. E usava óculos.
C. excitou-se tremendamente. Não via um humano ao vivo e a cores há uns ... nem sabia quantos anos. Talvez uns vinte anos. Não que não tivesse tido oportunidade para isso, mas porque pura e simplesmente não se interessara.
Era estranho. Enquanto regressava à rede tentou gravar na sua memória o retrato do homem. Não tivera tempo de accionar o Programa de Imagem para lhe tirar uma fotografia. E se calhar até era mais seguro assim. Mas por agora teria de adiar novamente a Dheli. A informação do Krueg aguardava. Só esperava que valesse a pena.
It's the last day of a world that was once ours. The last day of our time. A new time is coming. A new order. A new world. I write these words with the greatest sense of loss I ever experienced. Even greater than when I lost you. Because when I lost you, it was deliberate. But this ... Now I am, we all are losing a world which is slipping between our fingers and there is so little we can do about it. The feeling of helplessness is in everyone's eyes, like the dark shadow that covers us through the day.
I usually make plans every year. I have no plans, for I lost all hope. I wonder what has become of you. I finally told someone about you. His name is JJ. He's seen all there is to see. He's been through hell and has come back with his strength intact. Sometimes he reminds me of you. Your dreams, your commitment, your heart, even your words. I've seen men come back from the jungle looking like shadows of men. JJ has come back a hundred times, yet he still believes we're all going somewhere. I don't know where we could possibly be headed, but he seems to know all the answers. He didn't try to take you out of my mind. He didn't say it was wrong to still think about us. He just listened to me. As if he understood I would go mad if I kept you only to myself.
They say that war is the best of times and the worst of times. I think now I understand why. You can't act here. You can't pretend to be someone you're really not, when you're fighting for your own life. You can't hide. And everybody accepts that. It's like the best of mankind and the worst are forced to remain together under the same roof, and sooner or later they will have to make some kind of connection. You learn to take the good with the bad, because you know you'll probably depend on someone to save your life sooner or later.
At first it's scarry, but you soon learn not to fight it. All you must do is learn to accept your own dark side, and hope others will too. And they eventually do, because there is no other way.

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